Friday, May 8, 2009

Burning the 10:00 pm Oil

It's about 10:00 pm right now, and I've been working on that book cover for the past hour or so. This is the first "book" cover I've done, and it also happens to be for a writer I greatly admire. His work, oh yeah...Jeffrey Thomas is his name, always inspires me and evokes wonderful imagery in my head.

He's like a modern day Lovecraft with a little Blade Runner thrown in for flavor. Great stuff, and I recommend you check out his writing. Here's his website where you can check out his books, blog, and forum.

Anyways, back to the cover. I'm pretty happy with this artwork, but as I reach the end I start hating it. Perhaps it changed some from the original image I had in my head, but for whatever reason I'm tired of looking at it, and just want it to be done with. At least doing digital art gives me a chance to turn off my paintings so I can stop staring at them.

When I painted traditionally I used to drag my paintings around the house with me and prop them up so I could constantly critique them. It used to drive me crazy. I'd sit and watch TV with an unfinished piece of artwork leaning against my entertainment center. Every commercial I'd glance over and hate something new and think of how I'd try and fix it the next day.

This one is turning out the same. I find myself opening up the file real quick while I'm doing something else just so I can find something that annoys me. Oh well, perhaps I'm being to hard on myself. I'm off to bed now, and I'll return to disliking my art in the morning.

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