Friday, May 22, 2009

Stick Men

The other night I was talking to someone, not about anything in particular, but we ended up on the topic of my art. Well, this person isn't an artist, and they continued on with the usual comments I get from people:

"You should try and make a living off of that."

"I always think of really cool stuff, and if I could draw like that I'd have so many cool pictures."

...and my favorite...

"I can't even draw a stick man."

Really? Not even a stick man? I always find that hard to believe, and if it's true then there sure are a lot of people that can't draw stick men in the world. In fact, does that mean stick men are considered the lowest form of art? Does it take more talent to draw a stick man than write your name on a urinal and call it a fountain?

Well, I don't consider myself to be any more than your average illustrator, and I constantly look at other artists and wish I could capture the color, light, mood, or whatever it is that I don't think I have. So I just nod, smile, and try to change the subject.

And as far as stick men go. If they could learn how to draw a stick man maybe they could be like this guy.

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